Summer holiday and the need to save space in the trunk
We give you tips for the little things that will certainly spice up your summer outfit while saving a lot of space in the trunk.
Make the most of your wardrobe
Different morning, same problem: You open your closet and find out that you have nothing to wear. And yet there's no need to have a huge amount of clothes to make your day look different but a little different than yesterday. We have created a lookbook for you in which an ordinary white shirt plays a major role in many ways and for every occasion. Get inspired by simplicity!
Monochrome, patterned, colorfully mixed - you're spoiled for choice!
Choosing the right bow tie does not seem easy at first glance.
She should be fashionable and unobtrusive and at the same time have that certain something.
She should not only "spice up" the outfit, but also reflect the character of the wearer.
60s Fashion for men - Elegant and cheerful
The 60s style still shapes today's fashion. Here, you can find out what the style was like.
5 tips on how to dress for a successful job interview
In order to get your dream position, a careful preparation is necessary. It is not only important to research what exactly the company is doing, but also to consider which questions could be discussed and which topics could be addressed - because the main focus is on you.
Fair Trade socks - with a good conscience
Fair Trade is becoming more and more important. It helps people to be properly rewarded for their hard work, but it also means quality. Fair Trade socks are a good example of a fair cotton production.
We spent a great summer together
The photos you shared with us during your memorable moments have brought a lot of joy to our office throughout the summer.
What should you consider when buying a suit?
Many men are plagued by the search for the right suit for a variety of occasions. With these tips you can find the right suit for your event.
Ecological Fashion - Sustainably produced
Sustainability is becoming more and more important nowadays. This includes not only food, but also ecological fashion. But what does ecological fashion mean in particular?
Ctirad tells the story of the leather wallet
My idea is a wallet for the whole life. A wallet that is for daily use and not just for the moment. Travel, mountains ... all the adventurous experiences that leave their mark on forever, not only in my memory but also in my leather wallet.
Extraordinary earrings in triangular design
Are you looking for special jewelry for a friend or for yourself? Then you will find here extraordinary earrings that surely suit any lady.
Personalized cufflinks - noble accessories
Personalized cufflinks make the accessory even more special for the wearer than ordinary ones. They symbolize individuality and style.
Presents for your best friend
Small gifts maintain friendship. So why not give a little present to your best friend and show your grattitute without a special occassion?
Dandy look for men – a extraordinary gentleman style
The dandy look for men is characterized by one thing: style and elegance . The style is a must in the closet of a true gentleman for who an elegant appearance is very important.
Vintage wood: A natural material with a story
Vintage wood looks old-fashioned to some people, but many trends come back one day. Get to know here what it is that makes it special.
Green bow tie - The perfect summer accessory
A green bow tie can perfectly complete the summer look. So why don’t you show some courage to color?
Extraordinary jewelry for unique people
Extraordinary jewelry symbolizes more than usual accessories the uniqueness. It represents self-confidence and enjoyment of life.
Engraved bracelet - For the loved ones
If you are looking for a bracelet for a loved one, which should be unique but at the same time individual, you don’t have to search any further. With a bracelet with engraving, the gift becomes unique.
Wooden bracelets - An accessory for your everyday life
Wood is a very special raw material: it is natural and has an extraordinary effect on people. When you wear it, it can reduce stress. You can also wear wooden bracelets to every occasion.
Partner jewelry made of wood - a special proof of love
Would you like to give your loved one a very special gift that always reminds you of each other? Affiliate jewelry is a wonderful way to reveal your connection to the whole world.
Our noble silver jewelry sets
Silver jewelry has fascinated humanity for centuries. It looks classy and in particular silver jewelry sets are perfect to complete the outfit.
How to tie a bow tie - A step by step guide
Have you ever wondered how you can tie a bow tie so that it fits you perfectly? Our experts will show you how to do it correctly.
Smart Casual Look: The exalted leisure style
Have you ever wondered what smart casual look means in your invitation? We’ll answer it for you and we’ll also give you tips to make your dress code perfect.
A special anniversary: the wood wedding
The big anniversary of the wood wedding is approaching, but what can you give your loved one? We’ll show you.
Colorful cotton socks - The trend of summer
Socks accompany you anytime and everywhere in your daily routine. Also, colorful cotton socks are currently very trendy. But why should you buy colorful socks? Find out what makes them so unique.
The double Windsor knot – tie doubled or half?
Have you ever asked yourself where the double Windsor knot comes from and how he is made? We will answer these questions for you and explain how you can tie the half as well as the double Windsor.
Wooden gifts with style
You are looking for a very special gift for your beloved? How about unique wooden gifts, which are certainly a real eye-catcher wherever you go. Whether for a birthday party, anniversary, jubilee or sometimes else. They are suitable for every occasion and complete the outfit perfectly.
Inspirations for your spring outfit - a walk through the streets
Finally, they are here, the warm spring days when we can pick our favourite pieces out of the wardrobe – the ones we have missed the whole winter. Join us on a walk through sunny streets and get inspired by our tips for a romantic spring outfit.
The ball season is just around the corner
Maybe you are one of those who try to put as many things in their purse as possible to be prepared for any situation?
Dress code for a ball - how to dress properly
We are all concerned with the question of what we should wear to our prom – it is not easy to find out if you have made the right choice for the occasion. The invitation can often be the first help to get a clue about the do's and don'ts.
How to perfectly match to your partner
While the ladies choose a new outfit for every evening, men can wear their sexy suit for several seasons. Nevertheless, there are many details that you can vary.
What the colour of your bow tie says about you?
Modern men know that for any event there should be many different accessories and when choosing a tie or bow tie you need to emphasize its colour. Going to work better to abandon bright bow ties and cheerful colours. It is appropriate to tie dark accessories, not eye-catching much, but still, the outfit depends on your job position and office dress code.
How much do you know about wood?
Today, wood is used in a number of different ways, for example for creating fashionable and sustainable accessories. At BeWooden we respect nature and try to contribute to the environment by using only the rest materials from local carpentries in the Czech Republic, where our wooden bow ties are produced.
Holiday bow ties: how to stay gentle during the holiday
Summer has already reached its middle point and very soon we won’t even notice how we start to unpack dusty warm winter clothes and… OK, stop it, let’s still enjoy the second half of the summer and make some memories!
An elegant and vintage gentleman - Loux the Vintage Guru
What would you do if you had a degree in Accounting? Some would make their living out of it, and others would start something completely different. Ever thought of a design career? Meet the person who indeed became a stylist, blogger and one of the most respected Dandys of Southern Africa.
Bringing joy in many different ways - Tony Maake
It is hard to be ambitious – sometimes there are simply not enough hours in a day to accomplish all the goals you have in mind. However, we know that nothing is impossible. We would like to introduce to you a smart, intelligent, stylish and kind guy, who manages to do almost everything while staying himself.
Summer Casual Outfit Ideas for Women
There’s nothing better than an outfit that’s comfortable and actually stylish, right? To get the best of both worlds, we have 5 totally casual outfit ideas for you to try this summer. Scroll through for awesome style inspiration!
The Origin of Suspenders
Braces, suspenders, galluses – Call it what you want, with BeWooden’s new suspenders you will make a convincing impression. Check out the following Facts about this cool accessory.
Wooden brooches - elegant accessories with the magic of nature
Tradition, the scent of wood and visions of picturesque mountain landscapes inspire us constantly when we design new products. This time, wild nature and its inhabitants was our source, motivating us to create an elegant accessory with the magic of nature - a wooden brooch.
How to wear Suspenders?
For a long time, Suspenders or braces were used simply for holding men's trousers. In the twentieth century, however, they were taken over by belts and Suspenders startet to be considered more as a elegant and stylish accessorie as simply equippment. Therefore, to be able to shine with this fresh complement, there are a few rules that need to be considered.
Bow tie, in the past and today
Did you know that the masculine accessory – the bow tie was originally created by a woman? Madame de Pompadour, the famous mistress to the king Louis XV and one of the influential women of that time, as she was known for her cultivation of the arts, as an example.
BeWooden conquers the world
"Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." - Ibn Battuta
What is your personality - hearty or tranquil?
Each of us has a unique personality. Some people are artists by nature, some rather rebellious, and others eternally pensive dreamers. Can you say which one of them you are?
Always different, but still yourself
We may be whoever we want to every single day.
Hipster. Cool guy. Lad. Star. Gentleman. Fashion geek. Hippie.
Sophisticated lady. Rock star. Sexy girl. Minimalist. Top model. Stylist. Alternative beauty.
But still the same – still yourself.