How to wear Suspenders?
For a long time, Suspenders or braces were used simply for holding men's trousers. In the twentieth century, however, they were taken over by belts and Suspenders startet to be considered more as a elegant and stylish accessorie as simply equippment. Therefore, to be able to shine with this fresh complement, there are a few rules that need to be considered.
Ideally, they should not be worn with trousers, which are fitted with belt loops – but if there is no other way, it will not be a big fashion fauxpass. However, what should be kept in mind, is to avoid any combination of strips and strips. It’s like wearing a umbrella during sunny days. But there are good news for every fashion rebel – strict rules about this gradually begin to decay. Just leave your belt in the drawer and start getting creative.
Since we abandoned to see Suspenders as a part of our underwear which should not be seen at any cost, we can wear it as we want. Nowadays even a gentleman who includes them int his outfit, can enjoy a plenty of bowl and admiring insights. Another great advantage of suspenders is their ability to visually extend your physical size. Wearing supenders often requires an upright posture to straigten your back, so you will look taller and more self confident.

The formality of a event doesn’t play a major role for the descision, which color and style you have to choose. You can wear suspenders almost anywhere, with anything and at every event. Let’s talk about sloppy outfits – there is a general rule, that says: If a gentleman chooses leather suspenders, the should be fitting to the colour of his shoes.
If you prefer to wear suspenders with new fashion-trends instead of the classical gentleman style - no problem, you will surely find suspenders, which are be perfectly compatible to your outfit and you will create a unique, personalized look, which will be unforgettable. And you will be seen as somebody, who wears suspenders not only to show a good taste but also take pleasure in traditions and elegant accessories.