The bow tie which gives back – LouxMac Legacy
What do have two dandy gentlemen from South Africa, a school project, a children’s foundation and Johannesburg have in common? Let us introduce you our new limited bow tie collection - the LouxMac Legacy bow tie – which special design was created by two very well known Dandy gentlemen from South Africa and which gives joy not only to you, but also to local children and communities.
Where does the wood come from?
At the beginning of the summer, a local project was set up by a high school in Mpanga – Tanzania. The project was to renew the school and its technical facilities such as laboratories for chemistry and physics lessons. The school is very important as children from the whole neighbourhood (Mppanga, Ngalimila, Chita, Mlimba and surroundings) come to this school: it is the only technical oriented one in their region!
During the project, the old mahogany roof of the school needed to be renewed. Due to local friends who are volunteering at this project BeWooden got into contact. BeWooden decided to use the old roof in an upcycling process and made a unique range of 70 African wooden bow ties out of it. To emphasize the true origin of the wood, the bow ties are designed by local as well as internationally known influencers from Southern Africa: Loux the Vintage Guru and Tony Maake, both Dandies who are actively involved in the vintage fashion industry.

What is a Dandy or Dandyism in general?
Dandies are men who are part of the Dandyism movement. They place a particular importance upon physical appearance, refined language, and leisurely hobbies, pursued with the appearance of nonchalance. You can mainly recognise them by their clothing as they wear suits on a daily habit. However, this doesn’t mean that they are wealthy which is a common misunderstanding. A Dandy can be a self-made man who strives to imitate an aristocratic lifestyle despite coming from a middle-class or other background. Especially in Africa, vintage clothing is more affordable than new clothing. This can give the impression of a wealthy lifestyle which isn’t always the case. This makes a Dandy reachable and someone we can all become or strive to be: original.
Who designed the LouxMac Legacy bow tie?
The local designers of the LouxMac Legacy are the Dandies Loux the Vintage Guru and Tony Maake. Loux the Vintage Guru does not only dress up every day in vintage clothing as being a Dandy - no matter what occasion, he also is a designer and stylist of his own suit brand and an internationally known Tumblr blogger with gaining followers every day. Tony Maake is founder of photography brand Tonys Houz by being a passionate photographer and a fashion stylist, a menswear influencer to grow the Dandy movement. He currently studies Molecular Biology at University of Stellenbosch and works at a wine institute biotechnology as wine microbiologist.
Why this design?
We had the opportunity to interview them, read their stories in our blog!
Blog: Loux the Vintage Guru
Blog: Tony Maake
What does this bow tie give back?
By using the old roof of the local school in an upcycling process and creating the LouxMac Legacy bow ties, BeWooden wanted to give something back and bring joy as this is very important to us. We decided to let the designers of the bow tie choose a project to support which was close to their heart. Tony Maake immediately told BeWooden that he is the founder of a children’s foundation: the TH (Tonys Houz) Children’s foundation. While taking pictures of African children from a poor background, he became motivated to initiate a children’s foundation to improve their lives.
Do you want to know more about the TH children’s foundation?
Take a look at their social media and keep track of their progress!
The outfits of the Dandies are supported by German suit brand Atelier Torino with their suitable vintage collection. Possible due to the long-lasting partnership of BeWooden and Atelier Torino. Find more information about Atelier Torino on:
ATELIER TORINO presents itself as a MODERN MAN brand under the slogan „Feel Italian“, embedded in an Italian world of taste, with a stable fit in all sizes and a very good price performance.
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