Why are forests a real treasure?
One hardly thinks of how closely our lives are connected to the forests. They give us fresh air, maintain an acceptable temperature and give us a home. On 21 March we celebrated the International Forest Day. From this occasion, we want to consciously think about the important role the forests play for us.

Did you have a delicious breakfast today? Did you go to work by bus or car? Did you buy a parking ticket? Are you sitting on your favourite chair? We owe many products to the forests and they accompany us almost every step of the way. Much more than we can imagine. BeWooden owes far more to the forests than just the material. Indeed, all our ideas and everyday pleasures have their origin in our forests. Many of our product ideas were inspired by the forests and the living creatures in them. So also our beloved wooden brooches. It won't be long before you fall in love with our forest herd just like we do. We are very happy that the number of our favourite animals in European forests has increased in recent years. The forest is the habitat for several dozen lynxes, wolves and sometimes even a bear.
We hope that the state of nature in Europe will continue to improve and that we will be able to meet several unique wild animals in the forest.
We have collected 10 reasons why we admire the forests so much to remember how important they are for us.
1. The forests help us to breathe
Forests are a good source of air. It is estimated that a single adult deciduous tree can produce oxygen for up to 10 people per day.
2. The forests give us a home
Worldwide, 300 million people live in the forests. We are mainly talking about developing countries where the forest provides the basis for medicine, food and work for entire villages.
3. The forests are home to many animals
Strictly speaking, we can find up to 80% of all animal and plant species that live with us on earth. Therefore, it is not only human life that depends on forests.
4. The forests fight climate change
Carbon dioxide is driving global warming. However, our plants filter this carbon dioxide from our air, so they not only provide a pleasant climate, they also give us fresh air through their breathing.

5. The forests avoid flooding
In the rainy season, forest areas help absorb excess water, preventing soil corrosion and possible damage to surrounding buildings.
6. The forests are a source of food
How many times have you picked blueberries, raspberries or mushrooms during hikes? But we also mean animals that have always been the basis of our diet - deer, partridges, hares...
7. The forests heal us
Many ingredients found in pharmaceuticals have a natural origin. Did you know that 70% of all known cancer-fighting plants are found only in rainforests?
8. The forests give us work
According to the United Nations, more than 1.6 billion people live off forests. Of these, 10 million are directly employed in forestry or nature conservation.
9. The forests help us to relax
It has already been confirmed several times that nature has a positive effect on us. Forests increase creativity, stimulate attention, suppress ADHD symptoms and even prolong our lives.
10. The forests are a source of inspiration
This point would be signed directly by the entire BeWooden team. Trees are a symbol of strength for us. Every day nature is a source of endless inspiration and joy for us.
„We don't cut trees.”

At BeWooden, our values and position towards forests are clear. Although our unique accessories are made of wood, not a single tree is felled. As material, we mainly use unused wood from local joineries, which we breathe new life into by creating our products.