
BeWooden - How do we make things?

The whole production process takes place in our woodshops, where our carpenter, Dan, precisely shapes our products to perfection. Seamstress Hanka then adds fabric, and Pavel connects the wood to leather. Wooden segments are carefully inserted into the body of silver cufflinks, creating a perfect masterpiece. During the whole production process we make sure everything looks and works as it is supposed to, and is ready for the shipment. By the end, everything is packed and shipped out to you.

This way we ensure only the highest quality of each product, and bring back the beauty of waning trades.

BeWooden - Are all the products available and when will I receive my order?

All the products are available and ready for shipping. They will be delivered to you in our stylish package within 5 - 10 business days. If you are uncertain and want to make sure the package arrives on time or you require express delivery please contact us on patrik@bewooden.com.

BeWooden - Do all products made of one material type have the same structure and colour? Wood and leather as natural materials live their own lives. With its structure and color, each piece tells its own story and is therefore unmistakable. Every piece is completely different and unmistakable. Deviations from colour and material structure are therefore completely normal and do not harm the product - quite the contrary: that is what makes your product unique. The photos will also be displayed differently depending on the screen settings.
BeWooden - What does a lifetime warranty mean?

The pleasure of the people who wear our products is our highest priority. We believe in our honest handcraft. Our products are carefully designed, manufactured and tested for several months. That is why we guarantee a lifetime warranty on our products. If anything happens to the product you have purchased, we will take care of a quick replacement. 

Lifetime warranty reflects our confidence in the quality of manufacture using only natural materials. This warranty applies to all wooden bow ties, steel cufflinks, wallets, cardholders, business handbags, belts, pocket squares, tie clips, hat boxes and mirrors. All other products have a warranty of at least two years. We want to make every customer 100% happy with our products.

BeWooden - If the products do not meet my expectations, how can I return or exchange my order?

If the item does not suit you, please send it to BeWooden s.r.o., Fryčovice 720, Fryčovice 739 45, Czech Republic. Do not forget to include your contact information, your request for the product or the size you would like to replace, and your delivery address. Thank you!

All our products are made of top quality hardwoods, which we carefully choose from excess wood from workshops in our region. We place emphasis on enviromental responsibility. We work with local tree species such as beech, oak, apple, walnut and poplar. We also work with exotic wood species, such as zebrano, merant and mahagony.

A special natural lacquer is applied to the wood, which protects it from saturation and minor wear and tear. At the same time, it preserves the unique texture of the wood, and maintains its beauty. The varnished wood is not affected by everyday wearing. The lacquer is naturally scent-free, therefore the products conserve their fresh, organic smell.

BeWooden - I am interested in a wooden product that is not on offer. Is it possible to purchase this product anyway? We constantly try to create new products for you. We have many new ones in the planning and hope that you bear with us a little bit longer. We firmly believe that we will implement all your product wishes.
BeWooden - Is it possible to change the colour / the wood of the product according to my own wishes? An individual production is possible on request at any time. Of course, the price and the production time may differ.
BeWooden - Conditions for Facebook & Instagram contest Diese Teilnahmebedingungen gelten für alle Gewinnspiele, die durch die BeWooden GmbH, Bergstraße 81, 61118 Bad Vilbel (nachfolgend „Veranstalter“) durchgeführt werden. Jeder Teilnehmer erkennt mit der Teilnahme diese Teilnahmebedingungen an. Dieses Gewinnspiel steht in keiner Verbindung zu Facebook. Es wird in keiner Weise von Facebook gesponsert, unterstützt oder organisiert und begründet keinerlei Rechtsansprüche gegenüber Facebook. Sämtliche Informationen im Rahmen dieses Gewinnspiels werden ausschließlich vom Veranstalter bereitgestellt.  Teilnahmeberechtigt ist jede natürliche Person in eigenem Namen mit einem Mindestalter von 18 Jahren. Der Veranstalter behält sich vor, Personen von der Teilnahme auszuschließen, die gegen diese Teilnahmebedingungen verstoßen oder sich durch unzulässige Beeinflussung oder Manipulation des Gewinnspiels einen Vorteil gegenüber anderen Teilnehmern verschaffen oder verschaffen wollen. Der Veranstalter kann Teilnehmer in diesen Fällen auch nachträglich vom Gewinnspiel ausschließen, Gewinne aberkennen und diese zurückfordern. Die Teilnahme ist nur innerhalb der in der Gewinnspielbeschreibung genannten Frist möglich. Jeder Teilnehmer darf nur einmal an einem identischen Gewinnspiel teilnehmen. Von der Teilnahme am Gewinnspiel ausgeschlossen sind Mitarbeiter des Gewinnspielveranstalters, sowie Mitarbeiter der an diesem Gewinnspiel beteiligten Unternehmen und deren direkten Angehörige. Welche Handlung für die Teilnahme konkret vorzunehmen ist, kann aus der Gewinnspielteilnahmeseite direkt entnommen werden. Sollte eine weitere Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme am Gewinnspiel erforderlich sein, so ist dies direkt bei der Mitmachmöglichkeit am Gewinnspiel mitgeteilt. Das Gewinnspiel wird in dem genannten Zeitraum durchgeführt. Es werden alle Teilnehmer am Gewinnspiel berücksichtigt, die bis zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt der Auslosung die unter  genannten Voraussetzungen erfüllen. Unmittelbar nach Ablauf der Teilnahmefrist wird der Gewinner unter den Teilnehmern nach dem Zufallsprinzip ausgelost. Eine Änderung oder Barauszahlung des Preises ist ausgeschlossen. Der Gewinn ist nicht übertragbar. Der Gewinner wird per E-Mail vom Veranstalter benachrichtigt. Hinsichtlich des Gewinns gilt, dass jeder so benachrichtigte Teilnehmer verpflichtet ist, innerhalb von vier Wochen nach Versand der Benachrichtigung dem Veranstalter mitzuteilen, ob er den Gewinn annimmt. Falls der Veranstalter innerhalb dieser Frist keine entsprechende Nachricht erhält, verfällt die Möglichkeit der Annahme des Gewinns und der Veranstalter behält sich vor, einen anderen Teilnehmer zu ermitteln und entsprechend zu benachrichtigen. Der Gewinner wird per E-Mail oder auf elektronischem Weg (über Facebook) vom Veranstalter benachrichtigt. Hinsichtlich des Gewinns gilt, dass jeder so benachrichtigte Teilnehmer verpflichtet ist, innerhalb von einem Monat nach Versand der Benachrichtigung dem Veranstalter mitzuteilen, ob er den Gewinn annimmt. Falls der Veranstalter innerhalb dieser Frist keine entsprechende Nachricht erhält, verfällt die Möglichkeit der Annahme des Gewinns und der Veranstalter behält sich vor, einen anderen Teilnehmer zu ermitteln und entsprechend zu benachrichtigen. Sollten die angegebenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten des Teilnehmers fehlerhaft sein (z.B. E-Mailadresse) ist der Veranstalter nicht verpflichtet, die richtigen Daten zu ermitteln. Die Nachteile, die sich aus der Angabe fehlerhafter Kontaktdaten (z.B. fehlerhafte E-Mailadresse) ergeben, gehen zu Lasten des Teilnehmers.  Für Schäden, die dem Gewinner aufgrund von Sach- und/oder Rechtsmängeln entstehen, haftet der Veranstalter nur bei Arglist, Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit. Im Übrigen ist eine Haftung wegen Sach- und/oder Rechtsmängeln ausgeschlossen. Der Veranstalter ist berechtigt, das Gewinnspiel jederzeit ohne Vorankündigung und ohne Angabe von Gründen vorzeitig zu beenden, anzupassen oder abzuändern, wenn eine ordnungsgemäße Durchführung des Gewinnspiels ohne entsprechende Maßnahmen aus technischen oder rechtlichen Gründen nicht gewährleistet werden kann. Der Veranstalter verwendet die im Rahmen der Teilnahme am Gewinnspiel erhaltenen Daten der Teilnehmer zur Durchführung und Abwicklung des Gewinnspiels. Sie können der Speicherung und Nutzung Ihrer Daten zu diesem Zweck jederzeit durch eine Nachricht widersprechen. Der Veranstalter behält sich vor, den Namen des Gewinners auf einer Gewinnspielseite bekannt zu geben, sofern der Gewinner hiergegen nicht widersprochen hat. Auf textliche Anfrage an den Veranstalter wird dem Teilnehmer über die zu seiner Person gespeicherten Daten informiert und hat die Möglichkeit, diese Daten zu berichtigen. Der Teilnehmer versichert, dass sämtliche von ihm veröffentlichten Bilder nicht die Rechte Dritter verletzen und der Teilnehmer allein berechtigt ist über die Rechte an den veröffentlichten Bildern uneingeschränkt und frei von Rechten Dritter verfügen zu können. Der Teilnehmer erklärt ferner, keine diesen Nutzungsbedingungen zuwider laufende Verfügung über die Rechte getroffen zu haben oder zukünftig zu treffen. Der Teilnehmer räumt dem Veranstalter in Bezug auf die veröffentlichten Bilder ein zeitlich und örtlich unbeschränktes, einfaches Nutzungsrecht bezüglich aller Nutzungsarten für die Veröffentlichung sowohl auf der Facebook-Gewinnspielseite, als auch auf unserer Website. Des Weiteren wird dem Veranstalter das Recht zur Erteilung von einfachen Unterlizenzen eingeräumt. Ferner wird dem Veranstalter ein Bearbeitungsrecht an den vom Teilnehmer übermittelten Bildern eingeräumt, dass den Veranstalter berechtigt, die Vorlage unter Verwendung analoger, digitaler oder sonstiger Bearbeitungsmöglichkeiten unter Wahrung des Urheberrechts zu bearbeiten und/ oder umzustellen. Rechte des gewerblichen Rechtschutzes, Kennzeichnungsrechte oder sonstigen Schutzrechte eines Dritten, verpflichtet sich der Teilnehmer, den Veranstalter von sämtlichen berechtigten Forderungen des Dritten aus der Rechtsverletzung vollumfänglich freizustellen. Der Teilnehmer ist hierbei auch zur Tragung der Kosten der notwendigen Rechtsverteidigung einschließlich sämtlicher Gerichts- und Anwaltskosten verpflichtet, dies gilt nicht, wenn die Rechtsverletzung nicht vom Teilnehmer zu vertreten ist. Für sämtliche Rechtsbeziehungen der Parteien gilt das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bei Verbrauchern gilt diese Rechtswahl nur insoweit, als nicht der gewährte Schutz durch zwingende Bestimmungen des Rechts des Staates, in dem der Verbraucher seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt hat, entzogen wird.

Wooden Bowtie

BeWooden - What material do we use to make the wooden bow tie? The bow tie is made of high-quality hardwoods, which we carefully select from unnecessary materials. These come from joineries in our region and would otherwise not be used. We work with local woods such as beech, oak, apple, walnut and also with exotic wood species such as Zebrano or mahogany. In addition, the bow tie consists of a cotton fabric in different colours and designs according to the offer. The fastening is made of high-quality elastic rubber, but for some bow ties it is also made of fabric. You can adjust the size of the strap as you wish, without worrying that the bow tie is too tight or too loose. With a weight of 23 grams, the wooden bow tie is so light that you won't even notice when you're wearing it!
BeWooden - Is the wooden bow tie suitable for casual wearing?

It is comfortable and very practical. Buttoning is fast and easy. The bow ties are extremely lightweight, so you can enjoy each moment you are wearing one. Only admiring and curious glances will remind you that you have it on your neck. It is up to you if you choose it for a social event., or just for casual wear.

A men‘s wooden bow tie is 12 cm long, and women‘s is 2 cm shorter. Their size is similar to a typical fabric bow tie; nevertheless, their design is distinctive.

BeWooden - Isn't the children bow tie too big or too heavy? The children bow tie's size is 10x4cm, it weighs only 18 grams and sits very comfortably on the neck - so there is no need to worry about the young gentleman.
BeWooden - Can I also design my own wooden bow tie? Yes, you can choose the type of wood, the motif and the fabric yourself. This is made possible by our configurator, through which you can become a designer for men's and women's bow ties! You can choose from up to fifteen types of wood and dozens of fabrics and also add a personal engraving to the bow tie. Personalise it with a message, motto, quote or monogram to make it a unique accessory that no one else has.
BeWooden - How can I order an individual Skyline bow tie? Choose your individual skyline and create a unique wooden bow tie according to your wishes. This is possible with our Skyline configurator. After you have selected it, enter the name of your chosen city in the "Note" field of the shopping cart. Then please send us an email to support@bewooden.com with your finished skyline design. If you do not have a ready skyline design yet, we will contact you by e-mail and create your design in close cooperation with you.

Wooden wallet and cardholder

BeWooden - How many cards can a wallet and cardholder hold? The leather wallet has space for 9-12 cards and the wooden wallet for 3-9 cards. You can also store 9-12 cards in the leather cardholder and up to 7 cards in the wooden cardholder. Genuine leather is a natural material that yields, adapts and expands in a matter of days, even if it's stiff at first.
BeWooden - How practical is a a card holder?

You can insert up to 30 business cards into the wooden card holder. It is up to you how you fill it. The cowhide leather will soften and mold according to your preferences. A professional and distinctive appearance is guaranteed by elegant and stylish design.

Special positioning of thin veneers over hand-sewn cowhide guarantees that your wallet will satisfy you for many years. Our particular selection of wood guarantees that your wallet will not break. The cowhide will gradually soften and conform to your wallet‘s contents. A wooden wallet is a high-quality product, that we proudly guarantee with a lifetime warranty.

BeWooden - How practical is a wooden wallet?

Carrying our wooden wallet in your pocket is indistinguishable from carrying a traditional wallet. It doesn´t limit you while keeping it in your pocket; however, you always know that you have it with you. While sitting, the wallet signifies the unique style of its owner.

BeWooden - Is the women's wallet practical for everyday use?

The leather wallet with a wooden detail has a coin pocket, three larger inner pockets and has space for up to 12 cards. With a length of 20 cm you can even store your cell phone and your key inside.

Individual wooden veneers are flexible and we have thoroughly tested the material. The veneers are glued together to prevent the wallet from breaking. We can be so sure that we can give a lifetime guarantee. Our wallets are thin and light enough to carry comfortably in your trouser pocket, but we think such a design piece belongs more on the table.
BeWooden - What leather are the wallets made of? For the production we use genuine cowhide leather, which is strong enough to guarantee the best possible product quality. We always select the material with great care so that we are really sure of the quality.
BeWooden - How long does my wallet last? We produce products for life, not for a season. The wallet will be a practical companion for many years. We select the highest quality materials for production, pay attention to precise manual processing and quality, which we confirm with a lifetime warranty.

Face Masks

BeWooden - Why can't I choose a colour? In order to ensure quick availability, we mostly use fabrics from remaining stocks for production, so we cannot give any guarantee for colours or designs.
BeWooden - Can I change my order? The easiest way is just to place a new order. In special cases, feel free to contact our customer service
When we start preparing your order, you will receive an automatic e-mail with the information that your package will be shipped soon.

Due to the current high demand, it will take a few days before we can actually ship your package. You can get detailed information about the status of your delivery by clicking on the tracking link in the above mentioned e-mail.
BeWooden - Where do the masks come from? Our "Soli Mask", "Mask for you" and "Buy 1 and we donate" are handmade in small, German manufactories - In cooperation with the label Von Jungfeld.

All other masks are produced in our own manufactory - of course also in precise and affectionate handwork.

With the purchase of our cotton masks, you are also helping us as a small manufactory to survive the difficult times. With the sale of the masks, we can at least currently finance materials, wages of our employees and other overhead costs.

BeWooden - What Size do the masks have? One size fits all for adults of all genders.
BeWooden - Are there masks for kids, too? Yes, you can find them here.

The purchasing price also includes a donation to people in need.
Our mask is reusable.

Our mask comes with a cotton band or elastic band and is washable at 95°. We recommend this also after each wearing for disinfection. You should also always iron the mask.
Due to the high demand at the moment, the delivery will most likely take between 7-14 days.
BeWooden - Can I cancel my order? Yes, we will do that for you if you like. Just contact our customer service.
BeWooden - Do the masks have nose hangers or clips? No. The masks are only made of cotton and are delivered without hangers or clips.
BeWooden - What is a Soli-Mask? Each Soli-mask has already been paid for by a fellow human being in solidarity. You can choose this mask if you belong to a risk group for a disease and/or if you just cannot afford a mask at full price.

Normal shipping costs apply.
BeWooden - Can I use the masks with a filter? It is possible to use a filter with the following models: Nox Mask, Meri Mask, Cream Mask, Rose Mask, Sky Mask, Vanilla Mask, Blue Line Mask, Paisley Mask.

This depends on the mask edition.
We offer masks with an elastic fastening (for example our "dark blue mask") consisting of 80% Polyester and 20% Elasthan, as well we offer masks with a 100% cotton fastening (for example our "nox mask").
Information about the fastening of your mask you will always find in the section "details".
BeWooden - Where do I find the bank details? You will find our data number in the order confirmation, which will be sent to you by e-mail. It may take a few minutes until you receive the e-mail.

Otherwise you will find our data  here:
BeWooden GmbH
IBAN: DE08500700240141278200
Deutsche Bank
Subject: Your order number.

Wooden cufflinks

Our exclusive cufflinks are made of sterling silver, as evidenced by our goldsmith hallmark signs – sign 925 – silver indication, as well as a certification of authenticity. Other cufflink products are made of chrome and nickel stell, which is very light but durable.

We have cufflinks with two types of fastening, the classic ones with a fixed back and the ones with a swivel head. In the first type, the fixed cufflinks, the back of the button is made of one piece of metal. So they can easily be pushed through the holes like a button. In the second version with the twist lock, all you have to do is tilt the buckle, which is centrally fastened between two rods, downwards on the axle so that it is parallel to the rods and the button can be inserted through the holes. Then tilt the buckle back into the horizontal position to secure the cufflink in the shirt.
BeWooden - Can the cufflinks be engraved? It is possible, for example, to engrave a monogram on the cufflinks. However, only on those that have a smooth surface and no specific pattern.

Belt with a wooden buckle

BeWooden - How to measure size of belt?

A belt should always be tightened in the third hole. Its lenght is meassured from buckle to the third hole, what is also a waist circumference. If you have not found suitable size, we will be glad to tailor the belt to your circumference.

BeWooden - What material is a belt made from?

Buckle is made of special steel what makes it durable and resistant. We have combined steel with various wood types – zebrano, oak, nut-tree or ash. Leather part of the belt is made of cow-hide.


BeWooden - Is it possible to create my own set of brooches? You can choose your favorites and put together your personal wooden brooches set.
BeWooden - How do I attach the brooches? The wooden brooches are closed like most other brooches. You can simply pin the front part of the brooche into backpacks, jackets or bags and then connect it with the inner part.
BeWooden - How can I wear a brooch? You can pin a wooden brooch almost anywhere. Jacket, shirt, sweater, cap, backpack... There are no limits to your imagination. However, we recommend that you attach the brooch to a firmer material, otherwise the wooden brooch could turn. Place the pin of the brooch on the selected spot and simply fasten the pin with the clasp on the other side.


Here is a little infographic on how to find the right size for you.

BeWooden - Can I dive a bracelet under water, e.g. while swimming? Wood is a natural material and it is not recommended to expose it to too much liquid and sunlight. We treat the wood with natural varnish to protect it during wearing. However, the effects of water can affect the colouring, which can cause the rubber to loosen and then tear.
BeWooden - Where do the stones come from? All stones come from authorized local suppliers.

Clutch bag

BeWooden - How is the clutch bag closed? The clutch bag is closed with a zipper, which extends over the entire width of the bag.

Business handbag

BeWooden - What material is the business handbag and who is it for?

The exclusive bag is handmade from genuine leather and decorated with discreet wooden details. It is suitable for both women and men. The inside of the bag has a large storage compartment, a laptop compartment and another compartment that has a zipper.



BeWooden - Which size do the suspenders have? All our suspenders are adjustable in size. Suitable for men of all size categories!

Tie Clip

All of the tie clips have the same dimension (3.7 x 0.7 cm) and are made of special steel.


The wooden detail with the BeWooden logo is placed on the back side of the tie.
BeWooden - What material are the ties made of? The ties are made of 100% cotton or a combination of 97% cotton and 3% spandex. Depending on the specific model.


Our stylish socks are made from 85% natural cotton. They are very comfortable and available in beautiful colours. You can choose between two sizes, 39-42 and 43-46.


BeWooden - What material is the jewellery made of and what are the sizes of the different parts?

Our jewellery is created by a combination of genuine 925 silver and wood. The earrings measure 10 x 10 x 3 mm and the pendant of the necklace 16 x 15 x 4 mm - making them perfect for any occasion. The necklace is 68 cm long. Remember: Each piece of jewellery tells its own story!

BeWooden - Is the chain antiallergic? The necklace to the wooden pendant is made of an alloy of copper and zinc, which is not black, stainless and antiallergic. Make sure not to expose your accessory to too much sunlight and protect it from moisture.

You didn't find answer to your question? Contact us on info@bewooden.com

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