World of BeWooden

Scarves, sweaters and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather.

Bewooden has very unique products that are made from pure creativity and handcrafted for the most elegant gentleman around the globe.

"Love is our true destiny. We do not find meaning of life by ourselves alone—we find it with another." - Thomas Merton

"Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity." - Kahlil Gibran

"Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning." - Paul Coelho, Aleph

“The mix between different cultures and lifestyles creates the urban flair I love about Berlin.”

"For me BeWooden means amazing team of creative people, who are making elegance mixed with uniqueness, love for our mother nature and quality."

"Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union." – Frank Lloyd Wright

"Love is not just about looking at each other, but about looking together in the same direction."

"For me a concert is something solemn. Music and life are celebrated. That is why I carry a bow-tie on stage."

"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." – Henry Ford